The first snow of the 2021-2022 season is currently falling in the Alps! An overview of all the slopes that are already white.
It's snowing in Winterberg! Unfortunately, due to the many Corona measures, the ski area is not open and it is not allowed to ski on the slopes. Despite this annoying ski year so far, an overview for snow lovers.
The Christmas holidays in the Alps look very different this year due to the many lockdowns. Hardly any foreign tourists on the slopes due to the many measures.
The Fern Pass is one of the most important (and busiest) roads in Austria and was closed for all traffic since Saturday. During the extreme snowfall of the past week, the road was no longer free for traffic and the road was closed at various places, such as near the tunnel in Lermoos.
It was already predicted this week: extreme snowfall especially in Austria. Since yesterday it has started to snow hard and in some places more than one meter may fall. Together with a travel day (Saturday) this can cause extreme crowds and road closures. In this live blog we keep you informed of the latest developments!
The first ski areas are open again and that means that for many people the ski holiday is about to start! The Christmas holiday is for many people the first (and then often the only) ski holiday and it is traditionally very busy. In recent years it has been very often exciting whether enough snow has fallen and sometimes that was unfortunately not the case. But in the meantime, many places already have a good layer of snow!
It is almost December already and that means that the new ski season for the most ski areas is on the doorstep. There has not been a big snow dump yet but the first snow has already fallen! Especially the South Alps have hit it with a lot of snow. The Northern Alps have to wait a while before the big dump. The coming days will be real Südstau days with a lot of snow for the southern French Alps.